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August Training With Ark Sailing and Windermere Outdoor Adventure Centre

Back in the lakes the forecast was mixed with light winds for Sunday and a strong breeze to start the weekend. This weekend was practice for Liam, Vicky and Lucy ready for the Blind Match Racing Worlds in the USA. And practice for Sharon, Toby and Andrew for the fleet Racing Worlds in 2015.

Saturday lived up to the strong breeze that was forecasted but still great conditions to practice in, with Ian Shirra and Gary Butler on board providing coaching and Jonny Cormack providing more coaching from the rib on the water. Saturday was spent on team work and commutation, the basics and the skills that create a winning team. Working on moving together through the tacks supporting the B1 on the helms, and one key area Windermere provides in judging all the wind shifts and can make a great gain. Feeling the wind shifts is key and being aware of the effects and to notice them as quickly as possible, feeling the boat go flat or jib start flapping, reacting and keeping the boat moving and then tacking, it was a great day's learning for all.

We all had a great meal on Saturday evening with good food and good company.

Sunday the predicted light breeze was with us, but with a small breath filtering across the lake both boats set out, but it was not to be, so back to shore for rules workshop going through rules that cause confusion.

After lunch and the breeze had filled in enough, with Jonny supporting on the water as a moving sound buoy, both teams raced against each other in the match racing format, 5 great one lap races pushed the team that are off to the USA and also the team training for the Worlds - keeping the boats going in a light breeze and spotting the shifts.

Once again a great weekend and thank you

Blind Sailing

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